Welcome to Le Spa SoftTouch offering you the ultimate in spa treatments and services.
We believe that not everyone deserves or wants the stress of travelling downtown and fight through all the traffic, having to pay for parking and pay for excessively expensive treatments only to feel that you have been overcharged for your "relaxing" treatments. Sounds stressful, doesn't it?
Le Spa SoftTouch has everything that all highend spas have and more. From the clean, minimalistic, luxurious decor to the to expert techinicians to pamper and make your stay with us relaxing, comfortable and enjoyable all the while receiving a quality spa treatment second to none. From the simple facials to the advanced anti-aging treatments, from the body waxing to electrolysis or from the exquisite chocolate body scrub to a relaxing mud bath, nothing is forgotten or left to chance.
One visit and you'll see why Le spa SoftTouch is quickly becoming synonomus with relaxation.